Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Krissie King's thoughts on trademark saga

My first ‘political’ blog.  

I didn’t register to vote until Bush Jr. ran for office and I absolutely HAD to vote against him.  Well, at least I knew I practiced my voting rights.

So it is as I feel similarly with blogging out on the King trademark topic.  King's being attacked by its own industry for its actions in protecting and enforcing its trademark rights and its game Candy Crush Saga.

I have some knowledge on the topic, and background that is likely feeding my “urge” to speak on this.  Perhaps it is the combined 9-years in Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law, and almost 20-years in the game industry.   Man, have I lived that long?

But, I am not a lawyer.  I have not studied law.  And yeah, it’s been almost 20 years since I worked in that Law Office.

So, rather than adding to the noise of opinions and feelings, I decided to research the facts and submit a short brief based on findings.

But first… I have 3 scripts sitting in my inbox that I have to break down and create budgets and timelines and so on………

I will do that, then research, and then post.  

Please help me out by posting relevant links.  Thanks.